HY-ZD-07 Utility knife
HY-SC-03 Stainless scissors
HY-3141N Punch down tool with 110/66 blades
HY-3141B Punch down tool with 110/66 blades
HY-332 coaxial cable stripper RJ 58/59/62 /6
HY-085EK 8"lineman's plier
HY-075EJ 7"long nose plier
HY-568 Telephone crimping tool
HY-18 Empty component box w/kettle
HY-9202 Digital multimeter
HY-114A (-)screwdrivers
HY-114B (+)screwdrivers
HY-301 Professional crimping tool
HY-SM-301 Professional crimping tool
HY-330 Cable cutter
HY-5021 7 in 1 wire stripper & wire cutter
HY-251451CT Cable tester
TS-10 Precision tweezers
HY-WA-08 8" Adjustable wrench
HY-P-501E Rotary coaxial cable stripper
HY-075EX 7"Diagonal cutting plier
HY-1025 5"Mini cutting plier
HY-JD-8C Brush
5M coaxial cable
2M/6ft Measure tape
Network cable w/2M wire |